Hertfordshire's Finest Fitters of Quality Bathrooms.
Over 25 years experience
25+ Years Experience
All work fully guaranteed
No sales people, just good honest professional advice.

About Us
Welcome to Indulgence Bathrooms, Hertfordshire's finest fitters of quality bathrooms and cloakrooms. We have over 25 years experience of supply and fitting quality bathrooms to 100's of happy customers.
We undertake bathroom design, supply and installation across the whole of Hertfordshire and beyond. Our skilled designers will work closely with you every step of the way to create stunning bespoke installations offering a range of specifications unique to your individual requirements and vision, alongside our outstanding attention to detail.

What people said...
“Mark provided an excellent service to us from the start - he helped us a lot with ideas and suggestions, organised all of the ordering and materials and the installation was all perfectly managed..." – July 2019.”
James Gray
''Indulgence Bathrooms and the team were professional, neat, tidy, delivered the job on time and on budget. All of which has given me a ensuite and dressing room beyond my dreams. Fantastic!" –November 2019
Dan Barritt
“Outstanding from start to finish. Have reccommended Indulgence Bathrooms to all of my friends and family” - January 2021
Chris Orrell